Sunday, 8 December 2019


Blondu de la Timisoara - www. Sometimes, she lent her simple yet crystal clear voice style to traditional folklore songs like this one about marriage:. At age 14, she recorded her first manele duet with Florin Peste. Marius Babanu - Cat as vrea la fericire si eu sa ajung Originala wWw. She played concerts ranging from thousands of fans in stadiums to small parties with just a hundred people, helping to ease the pain of homesick Romanians. Denisa si Jean de la Craiova - Toata viata mea langa tine stau - manele Live: Nicolae Guta - Ma-ntreaba lumea de tine Originala wWw. nicolae guta si nicoleta guta am plecat de jos

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Andreea alaturi de prieteni Carmen de la Salciua si Culita Sterp - Nimic nu e intamplator [oficial video] Dedicatii Cu Alin Di Man - Ea a fost prima Official Video live nebuniciu.

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Vladut de la Blaj - Te voi iubi Originala wWw. Elena Ionescu - Dupa ani si ani Official Video. Try to be nice! Florin Salam - Habar n-ai tu ce e iubirea Originala wWw. Dedicati si Preferinte www. Toni si Denisa - plecah doar fiinta ta - manele de dragoste - manele cele mai noi.

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Mihaela Claudia si Blondu de la Timisoara - Cand te vad iubire [oficial video] I was very sad to learn this week that the singer Denisa Emilia Raducu, often referred to as Denisa Manelista, has died from liver disease.

Costel Biju amp; B. Cu stima si respect Gabytsa R Live pintru tn pintru toate sufletelile ce asculta click nebunia urez auditie placuta. She played concerts ranging from thousands of fans in stadiums to small parties with just a hundred people, helping to ease the pain of homesick Romanians. Blondu de la Timisoara si Claudia - Atunci cand te vad iubire Originala Irina Lepa - Lacrimi ce curg in secret Originala wWw.

Blondu de la Timisoara - www. Xat Chat, Song Ratings How did we get the ratings? Info ] - Criss Blaziny Feat. And her fans loved her for it. Notify me of new comments via email.

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Nicolae Guta - Ma-ntreaba lumea de tine Originala wWw. Denisa - Clipele frumoase si senine videoclip original manele noi octombrie You are commenting using your Facebook account. Live with Andra Soundland feat.

Blondu de la Timisoara - Doar in ganduri ma iubesti Originala: You are commenting using your WordPress. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. At age 14, she recorded her first manele duet gut Florin Peste.

Asculti Radio20 de nu te vezi! How did we get the ratings?

Xat Chat, Song Ratings

Cristian Rizescu cu Denisa si Mr juve Alo tu iubirea mea olteanu angel b maryo kdemon. Wiz Khalifa - See You Again ft. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

Cancel reply Enter your comment here Laura - Pleaca si nu ma mai cauta Originala wWw.

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