Thursday, 5 December 2019


Its four communications satellites transmit data to low-cost receiving stations maintained by the users. The ITC software toolbox is based on open-source standards and enables easy access to, and management of, GEONETCast data streams from various satellite and in-situ products and services. Open source software The ITC software toolbox is based on open-source standards and enables easy access to, and management of, GEONETCast data streams from various satellite and in-situ products and services. The toolbox, coupled to low-cost ground receiving stations, is currently becoming operational in several educational and research institutions in Europe and in African countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa and Tunisia. The GEO capacity-building strategy specifically identifies GEONETCast as a significant technology for advancing the capacity of governments and institutions to explore Earth observations more effectively; it also sees the system as an efficient means for exchanging and distributing training resources to a larger number of individuals. geonetcast toolbox

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GEONETCast Toolbox

Back to GEO News issue 5. Open source software The ITC software toolbox is based on open-source standards and enables easy access to, and management of, GEONETCast data streams from various satellite and in-situ products and services. It is starting to build the user segment and develop applications for a number of GEO societal benefit areas using the Toolbox. It also conducts research aimed at developing applications for the various GEO societal benefit areas.

GEO - Group on Earth Observations | GEO News issue #5 - article

The most recent updates of the ILWIS open source software and user communities can be accessed via www. The GEO capacity-building strategy specifically identifies GEONETCast as a significant technology for advancing the capacity of governments and institutions to explore Earth observations ggeonetcast effectively; it also sees the system as an efficient means for exchanging and distributing training resources to a larger number of individuals.

geonetcast toolbox

The ITC software toolbox is based on open-source standards and enables easy access to, and management of, GEONETCast data streams from various satellite and in-situ products and services. The development and maintenance of the Toolbox as a geospatial solutions framework for GEONETCast is being achieved in close cooperation with our open-source partner 52North.

ILWIS Toolboxes - 52° North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

The toolbox, coupled to low-cost ground receiving stations, is currently becoming operational in several educational and research institutions in Europe and in African countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa and Tunisia. Its four communications satellites transmit data to low-cost receiving stations maintained by the users.

Key features of the Toolbox Plug-in are a GEONETCast data stream management system for easy storage and geonetcawt of data; automated import routines for various satellite datasets, including meteorological formats; seamless integration with other open source data readers and processors; real-time Meteosat Second Generation data animation functionality and web mapping services WMS using the OGC standard.

geonetcast toolbox

It comprises capabilities for image processing, vector- and raster-based geospatial toolgox analysis and digital mapping routines. ITC is currently building e-learning courseware around the GEONETCast Toolbox, to be available in earlyand it is making a stronger effort to incorporate real-time Earth observation data access and open-source concepts into its standard curricula and research.

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